The visions given to Zechariah will come to a close shortly. Remember, over the course of the last few chapters there have been many visions all at one time. The Lord not only gives these visions to Zechariah but leads him to write these down for the Lord to be glorified in these next generations as we study them today.

The first vision speaks of the Old Testament law and the blessings and cursings of following it. The next one begins with the vision of future judgment. But notice what Zechariah does multiple times, "Then I lifted up my eyes again and looked, and behold, there was a flying scroll." (Zech 5:1). And again, "Then I lifted up my eyes and looked..." Zech 5:9

Zechariah was responding to the Lord giving him visions. Do you know the Lord speaks thru dreams and visions today as well? Acts 2:17 reminds us the Lord continues to pour out His Spirit in these ways. Listen and receive if He speaks to you in this manner. And make sure to seek counsel in His Word and other mature believers alongside those dreams and visions. Do not neglect the Spirit's leading. He is speaking. Are you listening?

- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.