There’s debate whether this book is an allegory or not and it’s debated whether Solomon wrote it. We study it in its simplest form though. Written by Solomon about the love of his life. This is where we will find insights for application for our lives today.
“And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore. He spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were one thousand and five.” 1 Kings 4:29, 32
We read, “The song of songs, which is Solomon’s.” (Song of Solomon 1:1). Even though Solomon recorded much the record of his love, marriage, and intimacy end up being his “Song of Songs.” What he believes is most important.
There’s dialogue between “The Beloved” and the “Shulamite” throughout the book. We can tell from their conversation in poetic form their attracted to each other. They complement each other often. He says she is like his greatest “filly” (beautiful horse) and has doves’ eyes. He… and she… take the time to complement one another. Do you take the time to compliment your spouse? Or whomever you’re in a relationship with?
Let’s not tell our spouse they look like horses or birds but complimenting and showing appreciation is important to the health of our relationship. We can find ourselves too busy or too careless in seasons and forget. Today, take a moment to share kind words with each other. Today is always the best day to start a good habit. Today is the day to complement one another.
Not married? Kind words go a long way in any friendship, work-ship, and family-ship… so let’s get to sharing kind words to one another!
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.