Haters gonna hate! A hater is someone who comes against you because they have thought their agenda is more important than yours.
Six days… six days before the Passover and Jesus is spending time with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus among others. I think it is cool to consider Jesus doing life with others leading up to His crucifixion. Mary takes a large amount of costly oil, anoints Jesus’ feet, and literally wipes Jesus’ feet with her hair. She has no concern about what others think. She has no concern what this cost her financially. She has no concern of her surroundings. In this moment she is focused on Jesus in adoration and worship. We read Judas hates on her decision because he has his own agenda.
“This he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the money box; and he used to take what was put in it.” John 12:6
Judas was more than a thief of money. He was a hater. He had his own agenda. I loved that Mary didn’t care. Her focus was on Jesus and so should ours be. Are you letting what others think about you get in the way of your worship? Are you concerned about what it will cost you to worship? Are your circumstances stopping you from worshipping? Let’s quit letting haters, the cost, or circumstances get in the way of worship. Maybe take a moment and worship Jesus even if there are haters around you, even if it costs you, no matter your circumstance.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.