My younger boys will come into the kitchen and say, “Mama says...” followed by telling me to give them a dessert or candy... other things as well, but it starts with “Mama says”. As important as “Mama says” to my boys should be “Jesus says” to the Follower of Jesus.  

Jesus said, “just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”” Matthew 20:28  

That lifestyle of Jesus was to serve, not to be served. Taking a personal look at your life, would you say that you had a lifestyle of “serving others”?  



In verse 2 the Greek word used for “and serve” is ‘diakoneō’ which is where we understand the word ‘deacon’. Right after this Acts says they chose men “of good reputation” to serve. By the way, it doesn’t say they were paid to serve. Serving on behalf of the Lord isn’t a paid position, it is the call of the Follower of Jesus. :)  

We see in Romans 16:1 Paul uses a similar Greek word when talking about a lady, Phoebe. We translate it as ‘servant’. The Greek word here is ‘diakonos’ which again is understood as deacon. So, ladies, we aren’t just talking about men having a notable responsibility to serve. There are many women mentioned in the New Testament that held positions of leadership in the church.  

Anytime leadership is mentioned, the thought should be... they serve! But here is the question for us all to ask ourselves: Do I have a lifestyle that is marked by serving others? Or of one mainly being served? This doesn’t mean we can’t be served at times; we are just talking about the propensity to serve or be served. Ask yourself today, “Am I serving others?”  

Besides us considering a lifestyle of service what is even more important is, “Jesus says”. I love my wife (and other mamas), but “Jesus says” is what should be directing our lifestyle. And Jesus says, “I came to serve not be served.”  

- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.