Over the years serving alongside others who have different skills sets has been a huge blessing. Locking arms, serving the Lord with others has given me a chance to grow spiritually AND to grow practically as well.
Read through Acts 27 and remember this is a doctor who is writing this book. Luke was a physician, yet he is talking a good game when it comes to sailing on a ship.
“when the ship was caught... we let her drive” ... “we secured the skiff with difficulty” ... “they took soundings and found it to be fifteen fathoms” ... “they dropped four anchors from the stern” ... “loosing the rudder ropes... hoisted the mainsail” ... “prow struck fast”.
You get the point! Man, I wouldn’t know any of this terminology, yet the doctor had learned through experience of being on these missionary journeys.
In our journey following Christ our Father is a teacher. He teaches us spiritually and practically as we link arms and serve alongside one another. The body of Christ is full of different skill sets, personalities, and spiritual gifts. The beauty is how we grow alongside each other when serving those around us. If you aren’t part of a body of believers taking part in adventures you are really missing out. Don’t neglect the assembly and the serving alongside of others. Maybe one day you can learn about loosing rudders, sterns, or hoisting main sails. But what you will learn most is how to love God more fully and love people more fully in this adventure of life.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.