“Putting the cart before the horse” is saying I have heard growing up meaning doing things in the wrong order. The reason I have heard this saying is because many times I have done just that!
The gospel is going forth to cities and people groups all over the place at this point. It’s a beautiful thing! The grace of the gospel is being challenged by the works-based gospel. 'You have to do this (fill in the blanks)'. It is hard for us to imagine the depth of the Father’s grace which is why we (even myself at times) add to what is required for salvation. Peter wisely says, “But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved in the same manner as they.”” Acts 15:11
It is by grace alone, through faith alone, by the Scriptures alone, through Jesus alone, for His glory alone.
You will read in this section of Scripture how they encouraged to live a certain way for the Believer “to do well”, but the simple truth is the gospel is by the grace of God. I shout hallelujah for grace that saved me... now that I am saved, I sure do want to put down the things of this world. Paul would write about this in Colossians 3:1-12. Take a few minutes to open your Bible app or Bible and read through those verses, challenge yourself to put to death anything rooted in this world and live of the glory of Christ alone.
If you need prayer or just encouragement, call us or send us a message through the website. Let’s discuss the good things of the Lord.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.