Do you have it so right there is no way you could be so wrong? I have learned so much spending time with Jesus and in His word, yet there is so much more to come. Man, this journey of going deeper with Jesus is so good! Peter’s view of the Scriptures has filtered to some extent through the lens of Jewish tradition and law (along with other leaders of the church). Even though the disciples had spent time with Jesus there was still as much to un-learn as there was to learn.
Peter had this vision, Gentiles are now repenting and turning to Jesus, and those in Jerusalem hear about it. There is contention about this new thing happening. Peter says, “If therefore God gave them the same gift as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could withstand God?”” Acts 11:17
While this is going on other disciples had been dispersed into farther areas. These are people who were dispersed after Stephen’s death (Acts 8:1). They are also seeing Gentiles repent and turn to Jesus.
Jewish tradition had crept into the leaders view of the Scriptures and they missed the recognition that the Scriptures stated that all nations would come to God.
Let me encourage you, keep being a student of the Scriptures and be in the presence of Jesus. Don’t be so right in a traditional mindset you could be so wrong in a biblical one. As
I spend time with Jesus and in His Word my heart is open to receive revelations I may have not fully grasped before. May our hearts be open to the Holy Spirit and are understanding deepened in the goodness of God.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.