Daddy, dad, dad… my kids repeating themselves asking me for something. When Landon was young, I would see how many times he could call on me repeatedly. There were times I would just say yes so, I could get a break. Yes, I know… not always the best example. But I would respond begrudgingly for sure.
Paul is continuing his encouragement to the church at Corinth. They are preparing to give a gift to the church in Jerusalem. Look at what he says about their generosity, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
Obviously, this is about a financial gift but if applicable for all avenues of giving: TIME, TALENT, and TREASURES. What is the heart behind your gift(s)? If you give out of obligation, necessity, or with a poor attitude is that the heart of the Father? Think about what He gave and what Jesus willingly did. Imagine hearing Jesus complain about giving you the gift of His life or being angry at taking our punishment on the cross. I know right? That sounds crazy and not a pretty picture.
Jesus gave it all, his Daddy willingly gave His Son out of love. When we give freely and with a cheerful heart, we are expressing the Spirit of God through our lives. Maybe you haven’t made it to this place of giving cheerfully and freely with your TIME, TALENT, and TREASURES. The best way to grow in this area is to spend time with the one who is most generous, the Father.
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6
He made the way for you to spend with the same Father He spent time with on this earth before His death on the cross. Jesus is the most generous person I know and as we spend time with Him our lives reflect Him.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.