Truth is not altered by different situations. Question to ask ourselves: Have you allowed truth to be determined moment-by-moment?
The psalmist writes, “Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments!” (Psalm 112:1). Then he goes on to list truths about those who fear the Lord.
-Their kids will be mighty.
-Wealth and riches are in their house.
-Their righteousness endures forever.
-They will never be moved.
-Their heart is firm and steady.
-They are full of generosity.
-They are exalted in honor.
We can look at these truths from a temporary mindset. We validate truth by what we’re experiencing instead of God’s eternal perspective. Our life on earth is but a vapor compared to eternity. In a moment of despair and difficult circumstance? Remember, you’ve been adopted, and your inheritance is Him and His kingdom. Maybe, in this moment it doesn’t feel that way, but rest assured you are a child of the king. These truths hold true whether or not this moment represents that. Let’s grow in letting God’s perspective define our lives.
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.