We can fall into the trap of thinking we’ve fully grasped hating evil when we haven’t even mastered the greatness of the Father’s love.
When talking about the oppressor the psalmist writes, “So they reward me evil for good, and hatred for my love.” (Psalm 109:5). He goes on to pray for no mercy and dire consequences to be levied.
Don’t get me wrong we need to call evil, evil and recognize good, for good but consider Jesus on the cross speaking about those who inflicted punishment on His innocence, “Father, forgive them they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34) Or Paul who after being beaten and left for dead returning to the same city to share of Jesus’ atoning sacrifice. In the middle of hate love was mastered.
We can be quick to hate what is evil but slow to love like Jesus. I’m not saying to turn a blind eye to evil, but I am saying love has to be our first duty. It’s His love that draws us to Himself. The Father’s great love is hard to fully grasp. That love redeems a sinful and hellbent soul. It started with love so let’s work on mastering His love before we spend our days trying to master hatred.
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.