We can give ourselves to anything in an unhealthy way. And it costs us more than we ever believe it will. In this instance it’s about giving yourself over to immortality.
“And now, O sons, listen to me, and do not depart from the words of my mouth. Keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house, lest you give your honor to others and your years to the merciless, lest strangers take their fill of your strength, and your labors go to the house of a foreigner, and at the end of your life you groan, when your flesh and body are consumed, and you say, “How I hated discipline, and my heart despised reproof! I did not listen to the voice of my teachers or incline my ear to my instructors. I am at the brink of utter ruin in the assembled congregation.” Proverbs 5:7-14
Whether it’s giving yourself to immortality or sex outside of marriage it costs more than you ever want to pay. We can give ourselves to desires of our flesh in other ways as well. These things we give ourselves to result in destroying the good name the Lord has given, ruining the legacy we intend to pass forward, and inwardly our spirit is crushed. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no amount of sin God’s grace can’t overcome, but it takes turning away from it and turning to Him.
Grateful for the instruction of the Word of God and those around me in the body of Christ. It’s these good gifts from the Lord that strengthen us during ups and downs in life. Be encouraged! Instruction is offered. Are you receiving and submitting to Him and His Word?
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.