Proverbs 31 is well known for the description of the virtuous women. Though you may have not noticed but Proverbs 1 starts with wisdom from a father and now we end Proverbs with “the utterances which his mother taught”. Solomon wrote, “My son, hear the instruction of your father, And do not forsake the law of your mother;” Proverbs 1:8
We have read much wisdom that speaks to kingdom minded living through Proverbs. Proverbs starting with a father’s wisdom and ending with a mother’s wisdom speaks of fathers and mothers working together to teach wisdom.
Maybe, you aren’t in the season of parenthood. Fathering and mothering not only takes place in the home but spiritually in the church as well. It’s powerful when husbands and wives come together to encourage, strengthen, and empower in Christ. It’s good for our families. It’s good for the church. It’s good for the world.
Don’t neglect the power of the godly role of a father and mother. Allow the covenant of marriage between a man and woman to be used for the glory of God whether in the home with children or discipling in the church. You have wisdom to teach. Encourage. Strengthen. Empower.
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.