Consumerism. The purchase of goods, products, or services primarily for personal wants or needs.   

The Lord is setting apart the Levites for the service of the nation. We read about the process of cleansing and dedication of the Levites. The Lord is specific in what needs to happen, and Israel is obedient in the process. Notice, one part though: “So you shall bring the Levites before the Lord, and the children of Israel shall lay their hands on the Levites; and Aaron shall offer the Levites before the Lord like a wave offering from the children of Israel, that they may perform the work of the Lord.” Numbers 8:10-11  

Not only are they being dedicated to the Lord for the service of the temple but also the dedication is for the service of the people. The same for us today. We are redeemed for a purpose. We are now living testimonies of His redemptive work. Our lives are for His glory and to share His love, grace, and mercy. Paul says, “For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (1 Corinthians 6:20).  

The follower of Jesus has been given the greatest gift anyone will ever receive. Let’s not treat it like consumerism; I’ve got mine. Let’s be about the Father’s business. Jesus spoke of this multiple times to His disciples. His whole life was about the Father’s business and as a follower of Jesus ours should be too. You and me carry the presence of the risen Savior everywhere we go. Today as you are interacting with people and in different places remember you were bought with a price now go glorify the Lord. 

- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.