It counts more than you know. We can get caught up in these days and not realize just how much it counts. The tabernacle has just finished being built as the Lord commanded. What do we see? “Then the leaders of Israel, the heads of their fathers’ houses, who were the leaders of the tribes and over those who were numbered, made an offering.” (Numbers 7:2). We then read this long list of what each leader brought to the Lord. As you read you will notice all the offerings are the same. We even read at the end of the chapter a summary of all the gifts combined. Why so many verses covering each gift then?
Because what YOU give is important. What you offer to the Lord is important. Your gift counts. I’m not just taking about financially. You’ve been created with His plan and purpose in mind. You aren’t just a random human in a random world. These gifts are still remembered thousands of years later. Recorded so you and me could read about them. The same with what we offer to the Lord today.
Give generously… it counts! Serve faithfully… it counts! Help abundantly… it counts. Whether noticed by man or not what you do for the Lord on the Lord’s behalf is noted, remembered, and celebrated by our Father in heaven. Are you giving to the work of His Kingdom? If not, do! Are you serving others? If not, do! Are you helping the Gospel go forth? If not, do! What are you waiting for? No better time than now. And it’s not because you have to, it’s because you get to!
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.