Rules and regulations or relationship.  

“Therefore do not defile the land which you inhabit, in the midst of which I dwell; for I the Lord dwell among the children of Israel.’”” Numbers 35:34  

The Lord goes through different scenarios with Moses. He takes care of the Levites who were responsible for ministering in the tabernacle. The Lord then gives law on how to handle situations dealing with premeditated murder and accidental death. Even giving cities of refuges for such instances. After this the Lord says, “for I the Lord dwell among the children of Israel.’  

We tend to look at the Bible as a compilation of rules and regulations. The Bible in its entirety is about a holy God dwelling among a broken people. He has a heart for His people and expresses that in helping us to handle situations in life. He didn’t spin the earth in rotation and just leave it be. He personally created all things with the sound of His voice and still speaks into our lives today.  

We get to serve a holy God. We get to dwell in His presence. Anything He speaks into our lives isn’t about rules and regulations, it’s about relationship and love. Enjoy the Lord today. For He dwells among His people.  

- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.