It’s not about me. It’s not about you. It’s not about us.
““Take vengeance on the Midianites for the children of Israel. Afterward you shall be gathered to your people.”” Numbers 31:2
The Lord tells Moses to handle this on His behalf and afterwards he will be gathered. We get more details of Moses’ last days in Deuteronomy 30-34. Moses goes on to lead Israel well in battle. He sets up leadership under the direction of the Lord and commands the people on behalf of the Lord until he passes peacefully on Mt. Nebo.
What do we not see of Moses? A “whoa-is-me” mentality. He had led Israel out of captivity, through the wilderness for 40 years, pleaded on their behalf, stood in the gap, honored the Lord, and served the people faithfully yet he wasn’t entering the promised land. He doesn’t make it about himself. He doesn’t complain. He doesn’t exalt himself at all. Until the time of his passing and the time of passing his leadership to Joshua all we see out of Moses’ is a servant’s heart.
At times I can make things about me. I forget there is much bigger things the Lord is doing. As Moses wasn’t perfect, he led in loving people and loving the Lord. He honored the Lord and others. May we be like Moses. May we be like Jesus. Take a moment and consider whether good times or bad is your life more about you or more about the Lord and His kingdom?
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.