It’s not up to us to overcorrect. Just because one goes too far left doesn’t mean one should turn too far right or if one goes too far right one shouldn’t turn left.
Balaam wasn’t perfect. He had made some mistakes up to this point but when the time came to do what the Lord said to do, he was spot on. Balak wanted Balaam to do what he wanted instead of what the Lord wanted but he stayed the course. He even goes on to say “…the Lord has kept you back from honor.”” Numbers 24:11
That’s a lie from the enemy! At times it seems the world is leaning far in one direction. That doesn’t mean our response is harsher or more to the other way. We stay the course. We continue to be faithful in following Jesus. We don’t have to overcorrect for things we see going wrong. Like Balaam we should say, “I could not go beyond the word of the Lord, to do good or bad of my own will. What the Lord says, that I must speak.” Numbers 24:13
Stay the course. Have you found yourself trying to overcorrect? There is no situation too far gone from the power of the Lord. Stop. Drop. And Pray.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.