Father, I pray as I share this You would convict our hearts and lead us into a deeper trust of You.

Nehemiah’s heart was primed to do the work of the Lord. From the king’s cupbearer to now leading the charge to build in Jerusalem we see the strength of the Lord in Nehemiah. The building had been productive, but there were those who didn’t like it. They wanted nothing more than to see the building stop. God’s work needed to move forward whether or not everyone was on board with His plans. Notice though the writing of Nehemiah and how he handles the controversy, “Hear, O our God, how we are an object of contempt! Return their taunting on their own heads and turn them into plunder in a land of captivity. Do not forgive their guilt and do not let their sin be wiped out before You, for they have demoralized the builders. So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.” Nehemiah 4:4-6

Nehemiah prayed, and Nehemiah built! We’ve read in earlier chapters how Nehemiah prayed through each situation. We see him “stopping to pray”, “praying before responding”, and now we see him “keeping on and praying”. He understands what the Lord’s led him to do so he prays and keeps on keeping on.

There are times we need to stop and pray, other times we need to pray before we respond, and then there are times where we need to pray and keep on keeping on. No matter the situation the common theme is “PRAYER”.

1-Do you have times where you stop to just spend time in prayer?

2-Do you pray before you respond at times?

3-Are you intentional about praying in the midst of your daily activities?

These are questions I’m asking myself today. Maybe, these questions will be something the Lord will use to be a blessing to you as well.

-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.