When asked about being paid less than other quarterbacks at the moment Patrick Mahomes made the statement, “I’ve always said, I worry about legacy and winning rings more than making money at this moment.”

As the wall is being dedicated by worship and thanksgiving to the Lord we read of the family of Levites and musicians leading the charge. It’s interesting we read, “…with their brothers opposite them, to praise and give thanks, as prescribed by David the man of God… with the musical instruments of David the man of God…. in accordance with the command of David and of his son Solomon.” Nehemiah 12:24, 36, 45

In history we’re around the @500 BC mark. Do you know when David lived? @1100 BC, 600ish years before this moment. And what’s said of him? It says David set up how to worship the Lord. David created musical instruments for the purpose of worshiping the Lord. And David set laws in place to worship the Lord. His legacy was and still intact of worship towards the Lord. Just read the Psalms, we are still reading, singing, and using them for worship today! His legacy was of worship towards the Lord.

What’s your legacy about? What’s important to you? Let’s make each day count by worshiping the Lord and leading others to do the same!

-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.