A group of disciples, demon-possessed men, a religious scribe, a mom, a leper, and a centurion walk into a bar… wait a minute… this ain’t no joke. All these people are written about in Matthew 8.
We have the disciples and their families, demon-possessed men, a religious scribe, a leper, and a centurion all interacting with Jesus. The demon-possessed men recognized the authority of Jesus, Peter’s mother-in-law and a leper are healed, a scribe says he will follow Jesus, and His disciples marvel at Him.
Yet Jesus ends up remarking about a centurion’s faith. Centurions were Romans and commanders of military units. Usually ruthless in their actions and oppressive towards the Jews. We read about Jesus remarking about him, “When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to those who followed, “Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!” Matthew 8:10
Maybe, you have someone in your life you think is beyond saving. Maybe, you think you are beyond saving yourself. Don’t count them out. Don’t count yourself out. Ranges of people from all walks of life have been impacted by the grace of the Lord for thousands of years. Stop, talk to Jesus… He wants to hear your heart. He wants to share a moment with Him. It’s Jesus who transforms and there is no one beyond His saving grace. Don’t give up on others, don’t give up on yourself. Go to Him!
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.