We really have leadership all wrong today. Well, maybe not all of us but there is a stigma of leading from the front instead of…
Jesus has now turned His focus on the religious leaders of His day. He begins by acknowledging their position in Moses’ seat (verse 2), referencing an honor of the position they hold. In verses 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 25, 27, and 29 He says, “Woe to you…” They abused the position of leadership they held. Remember, this is Jesus’ last week before He was crucified. He was intentional about doing away with selfish leadership. The Lord established these positions to serve others into His presence, yet they had used their positions to serve themselves.
Read each of these “woes” and examine your heart today. Also, we can think we need to be called a leader to lead but the reality is we all have some level of influence on the people around us. Remember, any influence we carry is leadership because we are leading someone, somewhere.
You could be the manager or the in the lowest position in your workplace… you could be the captain of your or the newest member of your sports team… guess what? It doesn’t change your ability to lead others. The greatest leader I know said, “just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”” Matthew 20:28
It doesn’t matter the position you carry lead by serving. Use your leadership to serve others, not yourself. By the way, the best leaders don’t just add value to others lives but they also lead them towards Jesus. Use your influence for the kingdom of God.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.