Dangerous learning!
So Jesus tells the disciples to get into the boat(v22). He then goes to pray into the evening. Then the boat Jesus told them to go out in is "battered by the waves; for the wind was contrary." Matt 14:24
The truth is most of the time Jesus doesn't call us to a safe place. But know where Jesus calls He is there. And He says to them, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid."" Matt 14:27
I'm like Peter. He says, "Lord, if it is You..." Peter's saying show me it's You and that I can trust You. In that moment Jesus doesn't bash Peter. He just says, "Come". Peter comes, but quickly loses his focus on Jesus because of the danger surrounding him. While sinking Peter cries out, "Lord, save me!" and Jesus is there with His hand out.
The other disciples didn't experience what Peter did. Even in his faults Peter was taught a deeper lesson and trust and faith. It started with being obedient even when it seemed dangerous. What's Jesus asking you to step out in today? Maybe it's messy or difficult. But that's when we learn the most. And the best thing for us to learn is Jesus always has to be the focus even in the difficult times!
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.