I’m not sure about you but death and sickness have hit close to home these last couple years. How do we find hope in the middle of death?
John the Baptist is Jesus’ cousin. Even before their births John leaped in Elizabeth’s womb when Jesus was close. John baptized Jesus. Jesus finds out John is dead even hearing the brutal circumstances of his death. What does Jesus do? “Now when Jesus heard about John, He withdrew from there in a boat to a secluded place by Himself; and when the people heard about this, they followed Him on foot from the cities.” Matthew 14:13
I am sure this was a sobering moment for Jesus. He loved John. John was his family member. It’s natural to isolate but look what happens, “When He came ashore, He saw a large crowd, and felt compassion for them and healed their sick.” (Matthew 14:14). Jesus then provides food for thousands, ministers to His disciples in the middle of the night and continues in compassion for those closest to Him. He focuses on the living.
I’m not making light of death or sickness. Just because Jesus was Jesus didn’t mean He didn’t struggle with death and sickness, tiredness, and pain like we do. Yet He remained moving forward with purpose and passion focusing on the living and the mission.
Our purpose as followers of Jesus is to know Him personally and to live on mission. What’s the mission? Love God, Love people. Even those sick or have passed would encourage the same thing: KEEP MOVING FORWARD. Many people even us need love and compassion. Who better to minister than those who have faced rough circumstances. Are you staying in death, sickness, tiredness, and pain? Jesus is calling... “Come on child, k-e-e-p m-o-v-i-n-g f-o-r-w-a-r-d!” It may be slower steps, but I encourage you to keep moving forward. Your loved ones would tell you the same. Jesus kept moving forward as our example! Get on mission. Stay on mission. You can do it! Let’s go!
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.