How much more convincing does Jesus need to do? How long will you deny the goodness and truth of Jesus, the Father, and the power of Holy Spirit?
We find Jesus and His disciples in the wilderness. Jesus has been teaching the multitude for days. Jesus proposes an issue for the hungry people He has been teaching.
“Then His disciples answered Him, “How can one satisfy these people with bread here in the wilderness?”” Mark 8:4
The disciples had participated in Jesus taking a few loaves and fish to feed 5,000 men plus women and children already. They had been given power by Jesus to do miracles on their first mission trip without any provisions and saw the Lord come thru. They watched Jesus heal the lame, blind, and deaf. They saw Jesus calm the wind and storms on the Sea of Galilee and yet they asked Jesus this question.
Before we start to be judgmental, how many times have you questioned if the Lord was going to come thru once again? Maybe you are facing a spiritual giant today, don’t forget He has already come thru and He will do it again. It may not be how you expect it but don’t let your expectation get in the way of His faithfulness. He never sleeps, He hasn’t quit, and He is still in control. So, keep praying, keep seeking, and watch as He continues to be faithful.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.