You think you don’t have anything to offer? We can go thru life not doing anything because we think what we have to offer won’t make a difference. But the devil a lie… Haha… What I mean is that’s just not true!
We find Jesus spending the day pouring into people and the day is far spent. Now, He is wanting to feed them physically as much as He had fed them spiritually. The Bible says it was about five thousand men which means it was a much larger amount of people. The disciples challenged Jesus with how much it would cost to feed them, “Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give them something to eat?” (Mark 6:37). But look at the gift offered, “And when they found out they said, “Five, and two fish.”” (Mark 6:38). Jesus takes a small gift and blesses many!
Maybe, you think what you have to offer is insignificant. Stop it! Give and watch as He takes your generosity and blesses those around you physically and spiritually for His glory. Remember, He takes what is small and does great things. Go on and make an offering with your time, talent, and treasure and watch Him. Today is the day to give more than you did yesterday and watch as He takes our little and blesses many. It’s the Kingdom of God we are living for, let Him do Him and as we offer Him our time, talent, and treasure. A small gift from a lad blessed many, so will yours!
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.