Just talking to a brother, the other day about honoring your word even when it isn’t a part of your best interest…
The heat’s been cut up on these last days of Jesus before his death, burial, and resurrection. Of course, we get hindsight, people around Jesus didn’t know what’s about to happen. Jesus is anointed with costly oil. Some get frustrated with this and Jesus literally says, “She has come beforehand to anoint my body for burial.” Judas plans to betray Jesus. Jesus sits to eat with His disciples for the last time before his death takes place, and Judas goes thru with the betrayal. Jesus is unfairly taken to trial, lied about, and Peter denies he is Jesus’ disciple. Yes, a lot, huh?
Leading up to these things the chief priests and scribes have continually done crooked things. They were thought to be the closest to God, the religious ones.
“And the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take Him by trickery and put Him to death.” Mark 14:1 partial
Trickery? Manipulation? Selfish acts… no matter how much religion one has (or thinks they have) if they must trick or manipulate to get ahead, they’re doing it by their own strength. The Lord’s will is never one of trickery. These leaders had deep seeded selfishness which led to fighting for their gain instead of honoring the Lord. We should be honoring our word even if it means taking a hit or it not being for your best interest first (See 2 Chronicles 16:9).
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.