You sad bro? You sad sis? There are things offered to us on the daily that bring immediate satisfaction, but often (if not always) that satisfaction is short lived.
“Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him,” Mark 10:21 partial
Can you imagine the look Jesus gave? This young wealthy guy comes to Jesus asking how to inherit eternal life. He comes running and the Bible says he “knelt before” Jesus. After the guy states he has followed all the rules Jesus responds by telling him to sell everything he owns and give it to the poor. The guy walks away sad not willing to let these things go.
Let me ask you a question: What in your life is more important than Jesus? See, Jesus doesn’t require a vow of poverty. He asks us to make Him first. Maybe, it’s not money that’s more important than Jesus but something else. Even something good in your life when it’s before Jesus is the same as this guy’s wealth. Jesus would tell you to put it down if you have made it more important than Him. Wealth, relationships, careers… whatever is priority in your life over Jesus must be put in the proper perspective or it’s unhealthy. It’s diminishing the quality of your relationship with the Father.
Sometimes we come kneeling before Jesus and walk away sad and sorrowful because we are unwilling to put Him first. I hope you aren’t settling for anything less than God’s best for you.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.