When things seem quiet...

Malachi is the last prophet heard for 400 years. There is no widespread revelation from the Lord until the angel appeared speaking of Jesus, the coming Messiah. Notice what the Lord shares thru Malachi.

""Remember the law of Moses My servant, even the statutes and ordinances which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel." Mal 4:4

Remember what I've already told you! At times when it seems quiet the Lord is ministering in what He has already told us. There's no reason for Him to speak anything new. How are you doing with what He's already spoken to you?

We can at times look for the new thing when we haven't been faithful in the current. The Lord is full of grace and mercy regardless but what are you doing with His current revelation in your life?

Even at times when we have botched it the Lord continues to restore. He tells Judah He will one day restore what they had diminished in verse 6. We can and always should count on the Lord and His heart for us. Let's just be faithful to what He's speaking. He's not quiet. He's just giving us an opportunity to love Him and others today!

- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.