Jesus has been betrayed by Judas and illegally tried at this point. The Jewish leaders (not being able to use capital punishment) take Jesus to Pilate (Roman leader) to be crucified. Through this process 7 different witnesses declare Jesus’ innocence: 


Judas IscariotMatthew 27:4

Pontius PilateLuke 23:4

Herod AntipasLuke 23:15

Pontius Pilate’s WifeMatthew 27:19

Dying ThiefLuke 23:41

Roman Centurion: Luke 23:47

Roman GuardsMatthew 27:54


6 out of 7 of these never ate a meal with Jesus, never saw Him do any miracles, or spent time listening to Jesus speak of the kingdom of heaven. Then there were those who made accusations against Jesus (v2, 10), yelled for Him to be crucified (v21, 23), mocked Him (v 35,36), and blasphemed Jesus (v39). Ranges of emotions and thoughts towards Jesus but we read, “Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Luke 23:34


That’s the heart of Jesus. During differing thoughts and emotions Jesus speaks forgiveness over them. He didn’t allow His innocence, or the unjust behaviors change His heart towards those around Him. They didn’t fully understand the magnitude of Jesus the Messiah being the sacrificial lamb once and for all for the sins of the world. 


Maybe that’s you today? You’ve said and felt many things about Jesus but didn’t realize His death on the cross can be the substitution for your sin. You’ve missed the mark but today putting your faith in Jesus, His death, burial, and resurrection not only declares you justified and righteous but offers you relationship with God, the Father. The wages of our sins are death but the gracious gift of God (Jesus His Son on the cross) is eternal life in Him. Call out to Him! He is listening and no matter what offense/sin has been in your life… His forgiveness and grace far outweigh our sin and shame. 


- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.