Jesus recognizes you. He sees you. Yes, you…don’t read past this and think it’s about someone else. “But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony.” Luke 21:13
Jesus sees this poor widow and the rich giving their gifts and he remarks about the difference between the gifts. We then read about Jesus talking about troubling times coming for Jerusalem. Jesus continues talking about times where war, famine, natural disasters, and division will be rampant. Some of those things we are seeing today and whether we believe it or not (or like it or not) it’s going to continue to get worse.
Throughout Jesus’ words He shares encouragement and steps to follow as we experience this. But remember, before Jesus says all this, we get a glimpse of Him recognizing a poor widow giving all she had. He noticed what one lady did that most would overlook or miss. Her testimony we read about today. No matter how hard it gets remember these things will turn out for the occasion of our testimony. Live on for Jesus dear Christian. No matter how hard life is now, how hard it will get… live on! He sees you. He sees each person who puts in behind their abundance. And some days it seems like we have nothing else to give and we still march on. Jesus sees you!
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.