As you transition from your daytime activities to time around the table for dinner remember Zacchaeus.
“Now behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich. And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not because of the crowd, for he was of short stature.” Luke 19:2-3
Prior to Zacchaeus meeting Jesus face-to-face he had heard about Him. We find out just hearing about Jesus had changed Zacchaeus’ life. Zacchaues’ testimony to Jesus as they dined together was, he gave people back 4x the amount he had crookedly took from them. He was willing to climb a tree just to see Jesus and now He sat with Jesus intimately sharing a meal.
Today, maybe like Zacchaeus your day started like any other. Maybe you have heard some things Jesus has done. Just maybe like Zacchaues you will find yourself communing with the Lord as you sit around the dinner table tonight. The invitation has been extended. Communion between you and the Lord has been offered. So, take some time with the Lord. His presence is life changing.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.