Can you spot what's missing?
Three chapters are dedicated to Samson's life starting with the Angel of God visiting his parents and ending with his tragic death. Many times he defeats the Philistines throughout his life. Near the end of his life we read, "So he told her all that was in his heart and said to her... When Delilah saw that he had told her all that was in his heart..." Judges 16:17-18
Samson shared all that was in his heart to Delilah. He never truly shared his heart with the Lord. His whole life we never see him turning to the Lord or asking the Lord to help him glorify Him. That's what's missing! A gifted man, Samson, spent his days selfishly living and caught up with his desire for women. At the end of his life he finally calls out to the Lord. Even then it's for selfish reasons.
The life of Samson should be one to help us reflect on our own. Do you call out to the Lord and for what reasons? Don't miss what life is really about: the Lord and His kingdom (Matt 6:33). Even as I read this I am praying and considering my own selfishness. Let's live for the glory of God not just at the end of our lives but throughout all of our days.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.