Reading this section of scripture today I realize I need to do one thing, maybe you too?
A man has been healed by Jesus. Imagine knowing someone was blind at birth and then instantly he received his sight because of Jesus. How would you respond? The Pharisees had an opportunity to worship and give glory to Jesus, but they didn’t. On the other hand, the blind man responded differently,” And he said, “Lord, I believe.” And he worshiped Him. “ John 9:38
Everyday the Lord is at work. There are those who spend much time trying to explain away miraculous healings. There are those trying to rationalize seeing a transformed life or a renewed heart. Whether miraculous healing or changed lives the Lord’s continually at work. Do you take time to consider the work of the Lord in your heart and home? In your kids or spouse? At your workplace or school? In others around you? From testimonies near and far. There’s so much of the Lord’s work we will miss this side of heaven we will be floored by when we see Him face to face.
Being are being healed. Lives are being transformed. Those in bondage to sin and shame are being set free. I’m here to tell you I am one of those people and Jesus keeps on moving!
Maybe, today you (and me) need to consider slowing down and making ourselves aware of the Lord’s work around us. Maybe we can stop trying to rationalize and explain things away and instead give Him the glory He deserves. For all good things come from the Father of lights…so let’s take the time today, tomorrow, and this week to participate in His good work.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.