Blood… I don’t do well with the sight of blood. My small boys cover up blood on their wounds because they think a Band-Aid helps take the pain away.
In chapter 8 the emphasis is on our great High Priest followed by chapter 9 about the New Covenant. Now, we read about the blood! Even the Old Covenant needed the shedding of blood for the remission of sins.
In the Old Testament system to enter into the presence of the Lord blood had to be shed (verse 7) and even that had its limits. Moses sprinkled blood on the tabernacle and vessels to purify and use for ministry (verse 21-22). Even the high priest needed the shedding of blood for their sins. The point being… without the shedding of blood there is no remission (verse 22).
“He (being Jesus) then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” Hebrews 9:26
Jesus shed His blood so we could be forgiven, enter into His presence, and do the work of His ministry. Without His blood none of this is possible. I’m not a person who is good with the sight of blood, but I do recognize the precious blood of Jesus that was shed for me. And because of His blood my life has been transformed. Band-Aids don’t work dealing with sin, we need the shedding of blood whether we like the talk about it or not. It can’t be avoided, which is why Jesus gave His life. Thankful for my Savior, Jesus, and His shed blood.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.