Noah heard from the Lord and responded. Can you imagine Noah's experience? He witnessed God bring rain... and a flood. The Lord gave Him plans to build the ark. Noah was naturally and supernaturally saved by the Lord's hands.
Now the Lord says to him, "I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth."(Gen 9:13). I wonder what Noah thought every time he saw a rainbow? He had never experienced the beauty of seeing a rainbow and now as Noah saw it he could remember all the Lord was actively doing in his life and his families.
Do you take the time to remember all the Lord has done for you? For others? Truth be told we can all get too busy or bent out of shape and miss the rainbow of God's promises in our own lives. God is faithful. He is mighty to save. He keeps His promises.
I'm sure Noah had childlike wonder when he saw the rainbow of promise. What about us? Do we marvel at all the Lord is actively doing in our lives? In seasons I'm guilty of not remembering all the Lord has done, but today I'm reminded to wonder and marvel at who God is and what He's done and continuing to do daily!
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.