There's a psalm that speaks of a tragic progression. It starts with one walking in the counsel of the wicked, then standing in the path of sinners, which leads to sitting with scoffers. Tragedy begins with choosing to walk in the wrong direction and listen to the wrong folks.
We read in Genesis 5 about the generations of Adam's family. They live lengthy years on the earth. There have been many potential explanations for their long days. I believe the best explanation is the blood line of Adam became more plagued with disease and sickness as the seed of sin continued to be passed down generationally.
In the middle of the genealogy, we read of Enoch. The Bible simply says, "Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him." Genesis 5:24
We have a choice to make today, tomorrow, and every day after. What counsel will you take and who are you going to walk with. We've been given the freedom to make that decision. It's entirely up to us. One leads to scoffing and death and the other leads to life and love. What will you choose?
May we choose to have an Enoch life testimony. ____ walked with God!
"Yes, Lord please help us to walk with you daily."
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.