Seriously, no matter when you read this will you pause and praise?! I'm so thankful! I hope you are too. And I pray we each live in such a way our family, friends, and even strangers know it.

As Israel is nearing his end on this earth, he extends his blessing to the next generation. He confirms something special, "God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day," Gen 48:15 KJV

The word for "fed" in Hebrew renders a deeper meaning. It actually means "shepherd". He is literally saying, "The God who has shepherded me." Israel is testifying of God's grace, not personal merit. He's testifying of God's faithfulness in his life. Would that be your testimony as well?

In Gen 28:15 the Lord says to Jacob, "I am with you", then in Gen 31:3, "I will be with you". Then Jacob says "God has been with me" in Gen 31:5, and now he tells Joseph, "God will be with you" in Gen 48:21.

Come on... let's testify to others of the Lord's promise of being with us, that we recognize He's with us, and He will be with those who draw near to Him. Let's pause and praise for God is full of grace and forever faithful!

-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.