A messy situation... these historical records like we in this chapter (as crazy as it sounds) are reasons I love the Bible. It’s real life, difficult situations, and yet it is told like it is not leaving out details that might confuse us.
In the culture of the day the father-in-law oversaw making sure the widow of his son(s) was taken care of. A brother of the deceased was commanded to have a child with his widow to bear his name and for the child to grow up to help take care of his mother (widow). Judah blamed Tamar, instead of recognizing his own sin in his life for his son(s) death, so he didn’t help Tamar when his son, Er, grew up.
Remember, Judah was the brother you suggested they sell Joseph into slavery (Gen 37:26), and marrying a Canaanite woman was discouraged (Genesis 24:3, 28:1, 28:8).
As he is on his way back from Timnah, Tamar dresses as a harlot, and Timnah takes the bait. Things conspire and it is found Tamar is now pregnant. Judah was in control so he can now cast judgment on Tamar and have her stoned for harlotry. Then, the drop in his stomach when he finds out that he was the guy. Wow, talking about getting your card called.
It was okay for him to sin, do wrong... but the moment someone else does it is death for them. There are unfortunate things in his family had to do with his poor decisions, but the reality is he was quick to place judgment on someone else, while excusing his own poor character.
There are so many live lessons in this chapter, and many things that we get to wrestle with in this historical record, but let’s focus on one thing. Jesus said it best, “Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Matthew 7:5
Don’t be so quick to judge someone else’s decisions while judging your own intentions. We are all in different places. Let’s allow love to be without hypocrisy. Choose today to talk with the person you may seem stumbling, pray for them, encourage them towards Christ. It could be one of the churches biggest faults in this generation, that we are so easily able to make a judgment on someone else without taking the time to sit, discuss, and pray. Let’s quit talking about being the church and be the church.
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.