Hatred, Division, separation... when you think about these words there is a weight that comes with them. Something we shouldn’t carry, something we don’t want to carry.
Reading in Genesis 37 today it is hatred, division and separation that is leading Jacob’s brothers. Don’t get me wrong, Jospeh sharing his dream could be naivety, but there could also be some pride there too. It’s easy to recognize his dream being his brothers bowing down to him.
Follow me if you will, there were reasons for Joseph’s brothers to feel some type of way towards him.
1- They were all born earlier and to other moms, Joseph was the only child of Rachel.
2- Joseph gave a bad report of his brothers to his father. (Gen 37:1).
3- Jacob, favoring, made his youngest son a coat of many colors. By the way this coat was long sleeved. This is important because only manager/leaders wore long sleeves. Signifying to his brothers that he wasn’t to be in the fields like them (Gen 37:3-4).
4- Joseph’s dream sharing (Gen 37:5-8).
5- Joseph sharing a second dream about brothers already responding poorly to the first (Gen 37:9-11).
Think about this, these men planned on killing Joseph, sat and ate a meal while he was down in a pit with no water, and didn’t hesitate on selling him into slavery. There was hatred, division, and separation in their heart. I wrote out reasons potentially for why they had that, but ask yourself this question: Is there any why we should have hatred, separation, and division in our hearts towards another?
We were once enemies to God, what was His answer to us being children of wrath, one who warred against God? Sending His Son, to take our punishment so the Father could reconcile us to Himself.
Romans 5:10-11, Ephesians 2:3-4, Romans 3:23-25, John 14:21-23
We were once enemies to a holy God; He made a way for us to be one with Him. Through the substation of His perfect Son. He was striving for unity with an unholy people. Shouldn’t we follow His lead?
We can be like Joseph’s brothers and build reasons why we should hate or be divided, or we could follow in the character of the Father and strive for unity in our homes, with those around us, and as the church.
“Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8
Which will you be found doing today? We can always build a case against someone, but what about building a case to love someone today?
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.