Here are two brothers who hadn't seen each other in years and the last time they were together Esau was planning to kill Jacob (Gen 27:42).

Now, 20 years later we read of their reunion. "Then Esau ran to meet him and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept." Gen 33:4

Jacob had lived in fear of Esau for all these years and seemed to be still living in fear. But what about Esau? He approached Jacob with weeping and an embrace. He had let things go between him and his brother.

Esau had been wronged by his brother. Those wrongs played a part in the direction of both their lives. But Esau didn't seem to be holding on to anything against his brother anymore.

Jesus once taught before we worship, we need to forgive and offer forgiveness to others. Consider all Jesus endured, and He still said on the cross, "Father forgive them..."

We will either let Christ lead us or our feelings. What will you choose?

Father, help us to forgive. Help us to not be offended. Help us to not be led by feelings but strengthen us in Your Spirit. Help us to yield to Holy Spirit for guidance in our relationships. In Jesus name, Amen.

-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.