The Blessing... I don’t want to be a person that manipulates to be blessed, do you? It’s not the way of the Kingdom of God for sure. In the past I have been taught and encouraged to get what’s mine... to make it happen! We see this is Jacob’s life, we see this with Rebekah.
Jacob had already made a deal for Esau’s birthright. In a moment of weakness, Jacob capitalized. The Lord had told Rebekah that the older would serve the younger when she inquired of the Lord during her pregnancy. I am not sure the total influence of Rebekah over Jacob, but we know they were close (Genesis 25:28). She was okay with manipulating to get what she wanted, we see that multiple times in her life, and I believe that had an impact on Jacob.
I am reminded of Paul writing, “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son,” Colossians 1:13
In our pursuit of Christ, our lives look more like Christ. He didn’t manipulate, He walked by the Spirit and trusted His Father to handle each moment (Galatians 5:22). If you are born again, you have been transferred to the Kingdom of His beloved Son. Now, walk like it. The Bible says we are ambassadors. What is an ambassador? One living in a foreign land representing his homeland. Yesterday, maybe you recognized your citizenship is in heaven, now today we learn to represent that kingdom.
Lay down manipulating, that shows you are living a life of faith. Lay down works of darkness, that shows your life has been transferred to a higher kingdom. Manifest the love of Christ. Loving God, loving people!
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.