Problems in life! We all have them.
Reading Genesis 21 we realize it's real life. Isaac is born. There are issues in a mixed household, Abraham's faced with a difficult decision. Hagar and Ishmael come to the brink of death. Abimelech and Abraham's servants have a disagreement. There's drama, right?
"And the Lord visited..." Gen 21:1
"But God..." Gen 21:12
"And God heard the voice of the lad..." Gen 21:17
Lots of issues happening much like in our lives. But no matter the person, or the place, or situation God was there. The Lord visited Sarah, He spoke to Abraham, He heard Ishmael, He showed Himself to Hagar, and He brought peace with Abimelech.
"Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there called on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God." Gen 21:33
The Lord is everlasting. We're able to call on Him no matter what. I can easily forget that. I needed to hear today the Lord is present in my phone calls, conversations, and situations. I need to remember to call out to Him and trust He's in the details. Maybe you too? Read the chapter and notice the drama, but also notice the Lord is very much present and all in the details. He's in our details too!
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.