One of God's unchanging attributes is omnipotence. God is all-powerful. We read of His power in Genesis 1 with the 6 days of creation. Each moment begins with, "Then God said..."

The God of creation spoke the world into existence. Every sunset and sunrise you've witnessed, every mountain peak and ocean wave is His design, and every creature in its beauty is because of the power of God.

As we read today notice these powerful statements:

"God created"

"God called"

"God made"

"God placed"

"God blessed"

These powerful statements are followed up with, "it was so". Let's remember this today. God is just as powerful today as He always has been. Are you limiting God's power in your life because you aren't recognizing His omnipotence?

He created something out of nothing. And what He said, created, called, made, placed, and blessed still stands true today. Sit before Him, read His Word, and let Him breathe on your life. Give the Lord praise for His omnipotence today!

- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.