As Paul writes to the churches in Galatia, he shares his testimony. We know Paul persecuted those who followed Jesus before he met Him. The way Paul conducted his life prior to Jesus was radically different than how he was living today. 
 He writes, “But they were hearing only, “He who formerly persecuted us now preaches the faith which he once tried to destroy.” And they glorified God in me.” Galatians 1:23-24 
 His transformation glorified God! The way Paul lived had changed because He encountered the Risen Savior, Jesus. It doesn’t have to be to the extreme like Paul. Our lives can glorify the Lord in different ways. Daily, as we chose to live for Jesus' people are impacted. They see we are living for something greater than wealth, fame, and fortune. When people see we aren’t the center of our world, but we live for the name of Jesus it speaks volumes to the world around us. Our testimony of Jesus does exactly what Paul wrote, “And they glorified God in me.” 
 How about you? Do people see you live for something greater than worldly things? What about who you live for? May our lives glorify God by the decisions we make each day. 
 - To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.