Promise Keeper!
In the genealogy of Ezra 2 there are wonderful truths if we only take the time to look. One of my favs is, "the sons of Gibbar, 95;" (Ezra 2:20). Gibbar is unknown but most believe Gibbar is translated Gibeon and correlates with Nehemiah 7:25. But what's my favorite thing about this Gibeon?
Remember in 2 Samuel 21 when there was judgment on the land? David asked the Lord why and He told him because Saul had earlier violated the treaty He had made with the Gibeonites. What treaty? Follow the story back to Joshua 9. We read about Joshua making a faulty agreement w/the Gibeonitess. He didn't consult w/the Lord and agreed in ignorance to help the Gibeonites instead of destroying them as he had been told to. But the Lord made Joshua keep his promise with the Gibeonites and so did the Lord. Even years later.
Now, this same family is counted in the family of the Jews returning to the land hundreds of years later after the Babylonian captivity.
Ezra 2:20 shares of the Promise Keeper. This shows the goodness of the Lord! Never think less of the faithfulness of the Lord. Who even kept His promise to the Gibeonites. He is THE PROMISE KEEPER!
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.