Do you remember Esther fasted for 3 days? At the first requested banquet she then asked for another day before she made her request of the king. Then these next things took place:
"During that night the king could not sleep so he gave an order to bring the book of records..." Esther 6:1
"So the king said, "Who is in the court?" Now Haman had just entered the outer court of the king's palace..." Esther 6:4
"While they were still talking with him, the king's eunuchs arrived and hastily brought Haman to the banquet which Esther had prepared." Esther 6:14
The Lord's hands were on the timing. The king not sleeping well. Haman there at the king's request, the banquet, and gallows.
I'm not sure about you, but I can get anxious at times. I'm ready to see the Lord work so I push. My ambition and drive can get ahead of the Lord at times. This historical record shows how the Lord works thru the details. Ah... to sit and wait on the Lord. "The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the person who seeks Him." Lam 3:25
Father, lead us in the waiting. Forgive me for being anxious and not waiting on You at times. Holy Spirit lead us in trusting You more. Amen
- To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.