That under the sun thinking will lead you dry and thirsty for sure!
Solomon has mentioned the term “under the sun” 9 times before we read it in this chapter, “Moreover I saw under the sun: In the place of judgment, Wickedness was there; And in the place of righteousness, Iniquity was there.” (Ecclesiastes 3:16). He will record it 29 times throughout Ecclesiastes.
We will find out he works through this difficult season eventually worshiping the Lord afresh. In the middle of the moment though he considers thoughts detrimental to the Lord’s best for him when he records, “For what happens to the sons of men also happens to animals; one thing befalls them: as one dies, so dies the other. Surely, they all have one breath; man has no advantage over animals, for all is vanity.” (Ecclesiastes 3:19)
We can face tough moments where we can fall prey to tragic thoughts questioning God, His goodness, and purposes. Granted, there’s much more clarity on this side of the cross but be careful of “under the sun” thinking. We’re encouraged to “cast down arguments against the knowledge of God” and to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (paraphrase 2 Cor. 10:5).
In tough moments go to truth. Go to the Truth. Spend time with Jesus and in His Word. We don’t do if for legalistic purposes but to get to know Jesus and His Word even more! Take everything to Him. Even during difficult times.
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.