There’s more to you than you…
“Myself” is recorded eight times in this chapter. “I built myself”, “planted myself” (v4), “I made myself” (v5 & v6), and “I also gathered for myself (v8) to name a few. Solomon’s possessions, his work, and his feelings were all that mattered. He had spent a portion of his life sowing into himself. He had drifted far from the time he asked for wisdom to serve God’s people. He had forgotten his life was greater than himself.
All Solomon’s identity was in his possessions, accomplishments, and feelings. The results only left him empty.
The way God has created you is a gift. The time and space He has chosen for you live through is by design. The days fashioned before you are for His purpose. There’s more to your life than yourself. When you live for His good pleasure, for His glory, and for His purposes instead of yours there is no way life is just “vanity and grasping for the wind”. Today, isn’t too late for you live for Jesus and His great name and the fruit of doing this is eternal, not temporal.
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.