There’s so much more, but in certain moments it sure doesn’t feel like it. Moses was 120 years old at this point (v2). He will soon die, and Joshua will be the next leader. Even from a young age Moses has cared for his people and now the journey is almost over.
This must be difficult. Moses is reminded he won’t enter the promised land. He is told Israel will soon forsake the Lord. He’s commanded to write a song that will testify against those who will forsake the Lord. Moses then confronts the Levites of their eventual rebellion and corrupted hearts. Wow… Talk about a difficult moment in life.
Have you ever been in a pressure type situation like this? These moments seem like they will never end and are difficult to walk through… BUT GOD!
The Lord walked Moses thru this and tells Moses to share He will do the same with Joshua, “Be strong and courageous, for you shall bring the people of Israel into the land that I swore to give them. I will be with you.” (Deuteronomy 31:23b)
You might be dealing with something similar today. As you put the Father and His Kingdom at the forefront of your heart, mind, and soul He says the same to you and me. Let’s be strong. Let’s be courageous. For the Lord our God is with us! This moment may be difficult but it’s just that, A MOMENT. Remember, the Lord has been with you, He’s with you now, and He will always be with you! Thank you, Lord, Hallelujah!
-To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.