Pay attention to the tense in scripture. It’s important! 
 Father, help us to understand the word You have for us today. Thank You for giving us examples in the scriptures. Thank you for preserving Your Bible. Reveal to us Your Word and strengthen us to live it out for Your glory, Amen! 
 “He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,” Colossians 1:13 
 He will deliver? No… He has delivered us from the power of darkness. When we’ve put our faith in Jesus a divine transaction takes place. We’re made new, we’re born anew, the Holy Spirit now lives in us. If you look in a mirror you haven’t gotten any prettier. Nothing physically has changed but spiritually… you are new creation! 
 Sometimes we can forget we’ve been redeemed by the blood of Christ and only by His blood. Our faith is tied to our new nature which is the reason for the hope we live in today. 
 But let’s not forget about those around us. Sometimes we forget that we too were once “alienated and enemies” of God. We wonder why others make the decisions they do. We start to judge the world for looking like the world. We get angry or distance ourselves from others who are making poor decisions and hurting themselves. How about we recognize they haven’t trusted in the hope of glory as we have. They are just acting in their nature like we once did. 
 Who can you be praying for today who hasn’t put their faith in Jesus? Who could you be a living testimony to of God’s grace in your family, workplace, or friendships? 
 - To Know Jesus. To Live on Mission.